
Leverett, Tiniest Unit, Instills Fierce Loyalty

A Leverett man generally leaves the House just the way he entered it--unwillingly. In between, various influences and compensations have combined to provide him with a fierce corporate pride in the Butch and a feeling of thanks that he was set down there is the first place.

Save only its much publicized missing lower and its copyrighted Bunny mascot, Leverett is superficially quite similar to all the other Houses. Its resident body is probably more diverse than most, however.

There are companions to suit any whim: athletes, scholars, clubmen, dilletantes, and worried pre-meds.

Enforced Conviviality at a Minimum

Under no circumstances, though, will the Leverett man be forced, of even encouraged, to mingle with anyone, even tutors. "Organized goodfellowship" has no place in the Hutch. Men stick together in rather tight groups. One beer party a term provides the only manifestation of frat-type spirit.


The small tables in the dining room typify the Leverett attitude. One may eat alone and remain undisturbed; one may join a small group of friends; or one may join two tables together and set up a banquet.

No artificial rules compel Leverett's outstanding staff to mingle with the students so they often don't. But genial Master Leigh Hoadley is always ready to trade lunch-table views with anyone on a range of subjects extending from fly-leds to the principles of general education.

Leverett's high record of graduate school acceptance is due in large measure to Hoadley, who quickly gets to know every man in the House, and their senior-year writes proverbially sure-fire recommendations.

Tutorial Set-Up

The tutorial system at Leverett works ideally for those who want it. One-time Brown football great Arnold M. Soloway, Leverett's Burr Senior Tutor, has made a host of friends, but he will not descend on those who prefer to limit their acquaintaince with him to more decanal occasions.

Leverett has managed to retain an air of pre-War leisure greatly reminiscent of the English colleges on which the Houses were patterned. At Leverett, for example, the unhurried riser can still get a complete breakfast as late as 9:30 a.m. on weekdays, and 10 a.m. Sundays. Most other Houses close a full half-hour earlier.

In line with its appeal for men who like to live, as well as study, Leverett offers a half-dozen squash courts right in the House. The prime attraction, however, is the Leverett Tennis Court, directly adjacent to Mather Hall.

Squash Courts Convenient

House members with a free hour during Spring mornings put in a quick set, then return to their own nearby rooms ready for the next class. The Court is particularly popular on weekends, when dates are permitted to play there.

For those with less athletically inclined social ideas, a full program of House dances and parties is always arranged by the Leverett Dance Committee. Hutch dances are traditionally original, dimly-lit, and well-attended.
