
Basketball, Track Squads Announce Managers for coming Season

Howard W. Barnes '55, of Salt Lake City and Dusster House and Jerry F. Hough '55, of California and Kirkland House, will assume the assistant managerial positions in track and basketball, for the 1953-54 season.

They will both automatically become varsity track managers in the respective sports the following year.

Alexis O. Thollins '56, of Tuscloosa. Ala., and Wold Hall, was elected freshman track manager. John L. Greene '55, of Holmont and Kirkland House, became associate basketball manager in charge of freshmen.

Varsity track and basketball managers, who automatically assume their positions, this year after having been chosen assistant managers last year, are Martin S. Baskin '54, of Chicago and Dunster House, and Stanley H. Apple '54, of Dorchester and Kirkland House.

David M. Silverman '53, of Brookline and Kirkland House, is the retiring basketball manager.


Captains for the two teams for next year's season have not yet been chosen.
