
Radcliffe Votes Next Week for Council Posts


Nancy R. fisher '54: Moors; Pres., Freshman Class; Radio Radcliffe; "Drumbeats and Song"; Secretary, Student Government Association.

Lois A. Dickson '54: Briggs; N.S.A. Delegate; Pres., Sophomore Class; Freshman Representative.


Betty Ann Ellera '54 Moors; Sub Troas., Student Government Association; "Drumbeats and song"; Treas., Freshman Class; Community Service; Choral; Work Chairman, 55 Garden St.


Radcliffe Orchestra; "Drumbeats and Song"; Vice President., Sophomore Class; President, Junior class; Student Council.

Cynthia S. Green '54; Cabot; Choral; R.A.A.C.P.; Community Service; Drumbeats and Song"; Pre-Teachers Club.

Ruth H. Joseph '54; Moors; Radio Radcliffe; "Drumbeats and Song".


Janet M. Titus '55; Moors; Pres., Sophomore Class; freshman Representative.

Frances Morse '55: Briggs; Treas., Freshman class; Radcliffe News.


Charlotte DeMonte '55; Moors; Vice Pres., Freshman Class; "Drumbeats and Song"; Community Service; Publicity Committee; Outing Club; P.B.H. Blood Drive.

Mary MacGregor '56; Whitman; Treas., Sophomore Class; Publicity Committee; Radcliffe News; "Drumbeats and Song."

Linda Greenman '55; Moors; "Drumbeats and Song"; N.S.A. Delegate.

Alice Cooper '56; Briggs; N.S.A.

Cynthia Crawford '55: Moors; N.S.A. Alternate Delegate; P.B.H. International Activities Committee; French Club; Outing Club; Radio Radcliffe; "Drumbeats and Song."

Jewell Taylor '55: Moors; Sec., Freshman Class; Sec. Treas., RAACP; Vice Pres., Sophomore Class; Pres., RAACP; Vice-Pres., Sophomore Class; Pres., RAACP; SDA; Choral.

Harriet Ziskin '55: Holmes; N.S.A.; H.T.G.; "Drumbeats"; Outing Club.


Brenda Haram '54: Moors; CRIMSON Business Board; "Drumbeats"; Community Service.

Jo Ann Rothenberg '56: Holmes; Hillel; RAACE; "Drumbeats".


Paula Budlong '56: Holmes; Radio Rad.

Nancy Campbell '56: Briggs; Freshman Class Committee; Exec. Sec. of United Religious Council, P.B.H.

Sally Huntington '55: Briggs; Chairman, Freshman Class Committee.

Joan Rubinstein '56: Holmes; freshman Class Committee; Outing Club; Freshman Weekend; P.B.H. Blood Ddive.

Eleanor Smith '56: Moors; Treas., Freshman Class Committee; Choral; S.D.A.
