
Hockey Team Selects Bartlett, Ingram for Managerial Positions

Joseph Bartlett '55 of Dodham and Winthrop House has been selected as assistant hockey manager for the 1953 season, the H.A.A. announced yesterday. He will varsity manager in 1954-55.

Bartlett, who won this year's competition, is a graduate of Milton Academy. He also took honors in his freshman competition last year.

William Brood '55 of Weston and Leverett House will become associate manager for next reason. The winner of the freshman competition was Thomas Ingram '56, of Lake Forest, III. and Wigglesworth Hall.

Robert Welss '54 of Cambridge and Winthrop House, this year's assistant manager, automatically moves up to the top post for the forthcoming season. A graduate of Milton Academy, Weiss combines managerial duties with work for a Boston newspaper.

Hockey team lettermen will elect the 1953-54 captain next Wednesday.
