
Weekend Charges Personal, Rebuts President of Key

The charges made by James O. Robertson '54 as to the usefulness of the crimson Key weekend are entirely personal opinion. We consider the weekend to be justified," Allen G. Barry '53, president of the Key, told the CRIMSON last night.

Robertson said in a letter of resignation as chairman of the weekend that the weekend is "artificial," and that it's sole purpose is to make money for the Crimson Key.

"Since there are no College functions other than House dances and the Freshman Jubilee after November, the weekend not only fills a gap in the schedule, but provides a much-needed social affairs for all classes." Barry countered.

Weekend for Fun

"Its goal is not to make money, but to provide entertainment for all students," he continued. "We try to make the weekend as economical as possible, cutting prices whenever practicable." The money the Key makes on the weekend goes for its operational expenses, which include meals for visiting students, stationery, mimeographing and running the weekend.


Two students were paid for their work on the weekend last year, but this will not be continued. Barry said. "The Key's job is mainly a coordinating one, and these two men were among many who worked on the weekend but were not members of the Key."

It is entirely legitimate that the Key try to support itself this way, Barry feels. "The Student Council recommended in 1947, when the Key was started, that it make itself financially independent. It now receives money from the University, but none from the Council."
