Students entering the Business School next fall will pay $1,000 tuition instead of the present rate of $800, Dean Donald K. David announced yesterday. Students already in the two-year course will continue to pay the present tuition rate during their final year.
At the same time Dean Erwin N. Griswold announced that there will be no increase in tuition at the Law School in the next academic year. The present Law School tuition rate is $600.
Dean David, in making the announcement of the Business School increase, commented: "Tuition in the Harvard Business School has been held at the present rate since 1947. Rising costs and increased operating expenses during this six-year period, however, have made an increase in tuition necessary if the Business School is to continue on a sound financial basis."
Case Method Costs
David also blamed the high cost of the case method of teaching for the rise in rates. "This system has proved so successful that we could not justify economies which would weaken our teaching," he commented.
Despite the tuition increase, David asserted that the financial aid program of the Business School, particularly the loan and grant in aid aspects, will allow all qualified men to attend regardless of financial limitations.
Dean Griswold's announcement dispelled rumors that the tuition increase would involve all graduate schools as well as the college. It is expected that announcements of other increases will come separately from those schools involved.
College Tuition Rise
It is virtually certain that the college rates will be raised by at least $150 within the near future. The Corporation which dealt with this problem at length in a meeting yesterday, is expected to make a final decision on Provost Buck's recommendations either this Friday or next Monday.
The Provost has recommended a blanket tuition fee to include both athletic ticket booklets and participation cards it is reported that the Corporation ques-
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