
Britons Vanquish College Debaters

University of Cambridge debaters won a unanimous decision over the Harvard Debate Council last night at New Lecture Hall.

The English team of Anthony Lloyd and Greville Janner upheld the negative side of the topic, "Resolved, That the American Dollar is God's Greatest Gift to England." Jay Nusbaum '53 and Frank Olson '53 supported the affirmative for the Debate Council.

Janner and Lloyd suggested that "courage" was a more suitable word to describe God's greatest gift to the British people.

Nussbaum and Olson tried to convince the audience that England would be hard put to get along without U.S. "gifts." Olson said the United States has contributed $36 billion to the English since the turn of the century, three times more than any other nation has received.

Judging the debate were Erwin Canham, managing editor of the Christian Science Monitor, and L. C. S. Barber, British Consul General of Boston. The third ballot was rendered by the audience.
