
Ufford Helps Squash Team To 9-0 Win Over Trinity

Nobody in college squash can beat Charlie Ufford. An upstart from Trinity named Dick Stewart thought he could yesterday, and he came closer than anyone has this year. But Ufford won, and everybody else on the team won to make a final score of Harvard 9, Trinity 0.

Stewart, who beat Williams' Dick Squires earlier this month, took the first game from Ufford 15-13 and was well on his way to victory in the second.

In the second game he had leads of 7-1, 11-6, and 14-12.

With this last score he was within one point of leading Ufford in games 2 to 0, but he tightened up--as everyone does who gets a lead on Ufford--made a double fault, and lost the game 17-14. Ufford took the next two games 15-13, 15-11, to win the match.

The rest of the matches were fairly one-sided. Only Steve Sonnabend's match in the seventh position was at all close. He won in four games 14-16, 17-14, 15-13, 15-11. Mike Ward, playing sixth, took the second game of his 3-0 match 15-1.


In the playoffs for the class C championship of the Metropolitan League, the varsity C team tied the M.I.T. faculty 2 to 2. The Crimson took the first division title, and the M.I.T. faculty won in the second division. The teams will meet again next week and the championship will be awarded on the basis of match scores.

Don Bossart and Eliot Hawkins were the Crimson winners yesterday.

Berk Johnson was unable to play in yesterday's match, but he is expected to return to action next week.
