
Six Man Group Will Gather Faculty Opinion on Probes

Second Group to Give Legal Counsel To Professors Called in Hearings

A six-man committee, appointed by the Corporation and headed by Provost Buck, will act as a liaison between the faculty and Corporation during the forthcoming "Communists in Education" investigations, it was learned yesterday.

This committee will inform the Corporation of faculty opinion and sentiment throughout the probes, and is expected to have a vital part in deciding Corporation policy if professors refuse to testify and are cited for contempt.

A second committee, headed by Law Professor Arthur E. Sutherland, has been formed to provide legal advice and aid for any faculty member called before an investigating committee. It has no official connection with the University or the Buck Committee, and is entirely voluntary.

Committee Members

Members of the Buck committee are: Dean Edward S. Mason of the Graduate School of Public Administration; Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the Law School; Ralph J. Baker, Weld Professor of Law; Mason Hammond '25, Pope Professor of Latin Language and Literature; and Edward M. Purcell, professor of Physics.


Each man on the committee will sound out and report on faculty opinion. It is expected that periodic meetings will be held at which reports will be made up for the Corporation.

The Sutherland Committee is made up entirely of Law School professors. When contacted last night, Sutherland refused to reveal the names of the committee members, although he admitted the committee had been formed.

Legal Counsel

The University as such will not provide legal counsel for professors called to testify as individuals. It is known, however, that the Boston firm of Ropes, Gray, Best, Rugg and Collidge will represent the University.

Three Congressional Committees are planning to investigate "Communism in Education," according to latest information. The House Un-American Activities Committee, headed by Harold H. Velde (R-Ill.), is expected to begin calling witnesses some time this week.

Both the Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee and the Senate Committee on Permanent Appropriations also have indicated they may conduct probes.
