
Freshmen Select Ten Members of '56 Jubilee Board

Freshmen yesterday elected ten men from a field of 32 candidates to the '56 Jubilee Committee, after a record vote of 920 ballots.

The Jubilee, scheduled for the weekend of April 11, will climax the social events of the freshman year.

Elected candidates are: Dave Baum of Wigglesworth, Charles Brown of Stoughton, Donald Dawidoff of Wigglesworth, Otis Gates of Hollis, James Hays of Grays, Edward Keating, Jr., of Matthews, Mike Klein of Weid, Chuck LaMonte and Arthur McCarthy, both of Matthews Hall, and Matt Whelan, Jr., of Brighton.

Balloting followed a colorful six-day campaign. During the week, candidates handed out leaflets of general plans and events they would include in the Jubilee weekend. Two candidates also polled '56 for suggestions.

Dave Baum arranged and led a musical show with several freshman performers--a folk balladeer and a popular singer--plus Dickie Lee Hebert, Miss Radcliffe '56, who played the piano. The jam session was held in the Common Room of the Union Monday evening.
