

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I have before me both President Conant's Report for 1951-52 and the most recent February, issue of the Alumni Bulletin. In both publications, references are made to the vacancy left by Dr. Conant's recent appointment as United States High Commissioner for Germany.

The editors of the Bulletin recommend that a man who possesses at once youthful energy, an above-average intellect, convincing leadership and a charming wife should be chosen to fill the University's most responsible position. It is my firm belief that the one man who contains these attributes and gifts in the most harmonious proportions is Dean Francis Keppel of the Graduate School of Education. Dean Keppel is probably the youngest administrator, on a truly responsible level, in the University at this time. In addition to his administrative experience and ability, he is also a splendid teacher and a man well-acquainted with all that is good in modern education.

It is my fervent hope that this suggestion will receive careful consideration and eventual approval from the Harvard community. John C. Lovewell '51
