
Yearbook Staff Will Publish Parody of CRIME This Week

Hard at work in the Student Activities Center are the game editors of the Yearbook. They are putting out a parody of the CRIMSON.

They are working to get the edition to the Houses, the Yard, and Radcliffe today, tomorrow, or later this week. The job will be done, all right, because the Yearbook is a game group.

Their big story will relate the Corporation's selection of a new president. They might make him someone no one has ever heard of, perhaps someone who doesn't exist. That is the way the Lampoon did it 20 years ago, when they put out a similar parody.

At that time, the University spent days denying the stories that had already poured out over the wire services. Even more embarrassing, many faculty members pretended they know all about this fictitious president, because they were afraid to show their ignorance. When they heard they had been duped, they did not laugh.

The Yearbook has put out other parodies of the CRIMSON. As a matter of fact, any group, and especially a game one which publishes only once a year, almost invariably seeks new outlets for its pent-up frustration. Every little parody helps.


The Yearbook has given in to other CRIMSON parodies in the past. It has a little arrangement with its printer, where-by a certain amount of Yearbook advertising is printed. The CRIMSON parody is considered advertising for the Yearbook.
