Only 12 men are still under consideration for the Presidency of Harvard, a source close to the Corporation revealed last night.
The Corporation meets today in an attempt to narrow the list down still further. Indications are, however, that no decision can be made within the next few weeks.
Just who is on the Corporation's list is not known, and no leaks are likely to come from the six-man committee.
Griswold Mentioned
On a purely speculative basis, however, four men appear almost certain to be still under consideration: Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the Law School; William G. Saltonstall '28, headmaster of Exeter; Law School Professor Archibald Cox '34; and John P. Coolidge '35, associate professor of Fine Arts and Director of the Fogg Art Museum.
Several men, prominently mentioned earlier, appear to have been eliminated. Among these are Dr. W. Barry Wood '32, former All-American football player and Phi Beta Kappa member, who is currently head of the Department of Medicine at Washington University. Wood has indicated privately that he will continue his medical research.
According to one source, McGeorge Bundy, associate professor of Government, has been ruled out as too young, while Roy E. Larsen '21, President and Director of Time, Inc., and former President of the Alumni Association, is considered too old.
A logical man for serious consideration is, of course, Provost Buck, who has a complete knowledge of the requirements for the Presidential job and has shown himself capable of meeting these requirements while serving as Provost and close associate of Conant for the past five years. Buck, however, may have struck his own name out of consideration by resigning his position and revealing plans for a year's sabbatical.
Recent rumors that Conant has suggested Adlai E. Stevenson as his successor are not true. Conant has taken no part in attempting to pick a man to take his place. Whether Stevenson is on the Corporation's 12-man list has not been determined.
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