A busy weekend faces the varsity ski team, competing in the Williams Winter Carnival today, the slalom championships at Mount Greylock, and practicing for next Saturday's Class A Championships at Middlebury, Vt.
Six teams in addition to Harvard will ski in the meet: Williams, Yale, Vermont, New Hampshire, Dartmouth, and Middlebury. The weekend's activity should give the Crimson a good glimpse of what to expect next week.
Recent heavy snowfall has produced the best skiing conditions at Williams in three years. Downhill racers compete this morning on the Thunderbolt Trail, covered by over a foot of snow.
On Sunday both varsity and freshman skiers will compete jointly in the glant slalom championships at Mount Greylock, Mass. and Pinkham Notch, N.H. The slalom is a downhill race which requires the skier to wind in and out of a series of poles called gates.
The Crimson ski team jumped into the Senior Division by placing second behind Bowdote at the Lyndonville, Vt. tourney last weekend.
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