The HUERA officials blasted the power tactics of outgoing president Daniel G. Mulvihill in their first official statement yesterday.
Attacking the "dictator-like reign" of Mulvihill, the officers promised revision of conflicting clauses in the constitution, and promised to put operation on a committee basis.
One Man's Sysem
"We ran against one man and the system he set up," commented newly elected secretary Francis McNamara on behalf of the group.
Hinting at a possible deficit in the treasury, the officers indicated they expected to eliminate paid officials as soon as possible. They blamed a move to pay Mulvihill a salary in 1949 for the splits in the union since that time.
"Present indications are that we are substantially burdened with liabilities of dubious origin and an absence of assets that is quite mystifying. In view of the foregoing we have eliminated Mr. Mulvihill," the statement read.
The officers said they expected to find a less expensive union headquarters than the present one on Massachusetts Avenue, 'in an attempt to cut union costs.
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