
Cliffedwellers May Get Own French House

Radcliffe may set aside an off-campus house as a "Maison Francaise' next year if enough girls are interested, Mary C. Moser, Dean of Residence, said last night.

Madelaine Anagnes '54, president of the French Club, requested earlier this week that an off-campus House--probably Saville--be set aside for girls who want to speak French.

Dean Moser said "the idea is definitely is mid-air,' but added that it was a reasonable request and "possible if enough girls commit themselves by next year." At the French Club meeting, only three or four girls said they were interested.


Jordan added at that time he thought such a plan was impracticable, because of Radcliffe's great need of low-cast living space. If Saville were turned into a Maison Francaise, only two off-campus houses and three cooperatives would be available at lower board rates.


"I have not discussed the matter with anyone else," Dean Moser stated. President Jordan said earlier this week that be had heard nothing about Miss Anagnes' suggestion.

A list is posted on the French Club Bulletin Broad in Agassiz for those interested. Twenty-five girls must sign up before March 1, if the plan is to be considered, Dean Moser added.
