
Vacation Bound Students Will Fly To Destination For Speed, Comfort

With Christmas vacation well on the way and the problem of avoiding the Harvard Square Santa Clauses foremost in the minds of may students, thoughts are liable to turn to home, where it is easier to avoid the Jolly Old Fellow, or to the balmy isle of Bermuda, where he is docked out in walking shorts.

But given this turn of mind, the problem of logistics arises. The human body must be transported from Cambridge on the first day of vacation, and returned to it on the first day of reading period. Luckily, modern technology has made this pleasurable, economical and swift.

No Need Drammamine

The easiest and fastest way to get out of the smoke and the slush is by plane. From Logan airport passenger flights leave daily for most points in the United States and abroad, and the resident on Coral Gables or El Paso will find the service more economical even than coach travel. Christmas in London, Paris, or Rome--at the peak of the season--is easily within the grasp of any solvent passport-holder.

Short hops too can prove profitable. The brief hours between a last class and the same evening's coming out party or theatre engagement in New York are plenty of time to arrive, preen, and set out for the ball untired if one flies.


Aims for the Poor

If your Christmas list is long and your wallet thin, bus service is the answer. Greyhound and other standard bus lines serve, all major cities, and the trip can be made in relative comfort and with relative speed for less than half the cost of a railroad coach ticket. But drivers know their business, and even in holiday traffle they manage to stick close to tight schedules. For many thrifty easterners, this is the best bet.

If you plan to travel next summer, now is the time to make reservations. The ships and planes are filling up already. Europe is a long way off, and there's no bridge.
