
Nine of Crimson Team To Go to Palm Beach For Lacrosse Forum

Only nine lacrosse players, six of them freshman numeral winners last year, and only one a varsity letterman, will attend the annual winter lacrosse forum at Palm Beach, Fla., during winter vacation.

The soccer team will not be represented at a soccer forum in Sarasota.

Interest among varsity players on both teams fell off sharply when a previously-proposed Bermuda trip fell through and the Florida venture replaced it.

Soccer Manager William C. B. Young '55 said last night that most of the men just didn't think the trip would be worth it. Expenses probably will be over $100, and players would have to pass up Christmas at home.

The nine will not represent Harvard as a team, but will be part of a northern squad which will participate in a Yankee-Rebel game on the 30th. They will be coached on the blackboard and on the field starting the 22nd and will continue until Jan. 4.


The players going are Dave Babin, Lawrence Halpern, Evan Spelfogel, Dexter Lewis, Fred Sharf, Gordon Fair, Dick King, John Lane, and Monk Aiello.

When the team planned to go to Bermuda, 35 players told Young that they were definitely interested. At that time Young planned to raise money to offset player-expense, but he gave up the entire scheme when Yale's teams, with whom the Crimson would have played exhibition games, decided to forego the venture. Yale also will send a group to Florida.
