
Combined Charities Misses Goal by $7000 Due to Poor Timing, Loss of Charge Slips

Although 50 percent of undergraduates averaged contributions of nearly five dollars, the Combined Charities drive collected a total of only $10,891, $7000 less than its goal this fall. This is approximately 61 percent of last year's collections.

The Drive committee gave two reasons for its failure to reach the $18,000 goal. The loss of term bill charge slips made solicitation more difficult, the committee said, since many students who were willing to charge contributions to parents seemed unwilling to give cash.

Edward M. Strasser '56, drive treasurer, also explained that the committee feels the timing of the campaign resulted in fewer contributions. For the past several years, the drive has been held in the middle of the football season. The committee is considering recommendation of a shift to the spring semester. This year's drive lasted from Nov. 2 to 6.

The committee will announce figures on contributions by each House and the amount allocated to each charity when all pledged money is received. Lowell has led the Houses for the last two years.
