
'57 Track Team Routs Tufts In Third Victory of Season

Joel Cohen supplied 11 points to the Yardling track team as they routed the Tafts freshmen, 61 to 44, at the Tufts Cage yesterday. Cohen wen the 45-yard high hurdles and the bread jump and tied for second in the high jump.

Dick Wharton won the 600-yard run without much effort, tied for second in the high jump, and led off the victorious mile relay team to earn 7 1/4 points. Jim Cairns led the field home in the 1000-yard run and ran the third leg on the mile relay. Jim Polese placed second in both the 50-yard dash and the 45-yard high hurdles. In the 35-lb, weight, Pete Harpel met little opposition and won handily.
