Juniors--Class of 1955
Cliff Alexander (Lowell)--Treasurer of Student Council; N.S.A. President; Union Committee Vice Chairman and Treasurer; House Athletics; Freshman basketball.
David Bicks (Dunster)--Student Council incumbent; board of Directors of Salzburg Seminar; Freshman football.
Richard S. Dolins (Lowell)--Smoker Committee; Lowell House Committee; Secretary, House Athletics; Hasty Pudding Theatricals.
Harold F. Levy (Adams)--Adams House Committee and Dance Committee; House football; Blood Drive.
John C. Montgomery (Eliot)--Phillips Brooks House; Crimson key; Varsity Swimming! House football; Harvard Theatricals.
J. E. Muss (Lowell)--Varsity Lacrosse; J.V. football.
Sophomores--Class of 1956
Christopher Del Sesto (Adams)--Union Committee; Adams House Committee; Dance Committee.
James G. Hatcher (Dunster)--Dunster Dunces; Executive Board of U.N. Council; Ski Club.
John Hurst (Lowell)--President, Freshman Athletic Council; P.B.H.; Caisson Club Executive Board; Varsity basket-ball.
A1 Levin (Kirkland)--Student Council Incumbent; District Leader, P.B.H. Social Service Committee; Blood Drive Captain; House Library Committee.
Jack (Newell) Mack (Kirkland)-- Union Committee; Crimson Key; P.B.H.
Arthur C. Rutter (Eliot) -- Yearbook; P.B.H.l Eliot Social Committee.
David Sirota (Eliot)--Union Committee; Freshman football; House Athletics; Eliot Social Committee.
Brad Stark (Danster)--Student Council Incumbent; Chairman, Extracurricular Activities Committee; Ass't Treasurer, Combined Charties.
Edward M. Strasser (Kirkland)--Student Council Freshman Representative; Union Committee; Combined Charities Treasurer.
Irv Zola (Adams)--Student Council Incumbent; Chairman of Freshman Affairs Committee; Smoker Committee.
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