
Colder Weather To Replace Rain

A reprieve is promised by the local weather bureau from the fierce northeast storm which lashed the Boston area yesterday with high winds and more than an inch and a half of rain.

But at the same time, the bureau has forecast that today will be much colder than yesterday with the highest temperatures in the high 30's.

Ski enthusiasts will be happy to know that by this afternoon there should be between 12 and 16 inches of snow in the mountains of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Crew men may be the only ones interested in the fact that yesterday's storm brought the total rainfall this year to more than 57 inches, 20 above normal. This marks the greatest amount of rainfall for the Boston area in the past 75 years.

In yesterday's storm, the heavy seas forced back two Coast Guard vessels which had set out at daybreak to search of ra missing fisherman.
