
Rhodes Stipends Awarded to Four College Students

Four Harvard seniors, including the President of the Student Council, have won Rhodes Scholarships to the University of Oxford, the Scholarship Committee announced last night.

The scholarships, awarded on the basis of "character, intellect, leadership, and physical vigor" were given to Paul Douglas Sheats, of Washington, D.C. and Eliot House, Frank Ira Goodman, of San Antonio and Lowell House, Eliot Dexter Hawkins, of New York and Eliot House, and Martin Alvord Kramer, of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Eliot House.

These four were among the first nine winners to be announced. In all, 32 scholarships will be awarded. However, results from the Mid-West and Far-West have not yet been officially made public.

Student Leaders

Sheats, president of the Student Council, won the "Outstanding Freshman" award in his freshman year, and was formerly on the track team.


Goodman is a past president of the Harvard Liberal Union, and a founder of the Athenaeum, currently on its Governing Board. In addition, he plays for the varsity tennis team and is a member of the "senior 16" elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Hawkins is Cadet Commander of the Army ROTC, one of the "16," treasurer of the Eliot House Committee, and a member of the varsity squash squad.

Kramer is a National Scholar, president of the Canterbury Club, treasurer of the National Canterbury Association, and vice-president of the Southerners Club.

All are History majors except Sheats whose field is Biology.
