
Two Dinners to Fete Football Team, Staff On Successive Nights

Banquets tonight and tomorrow night and a dance at the Varsity Club on Saturday bring the 1953 varsity football season to an official close. The Harvard Club of Boston plays host at 7 p.m. this evening at its annual post-season dinner for the team, coaches, and H.A.A. officials.

The following night Captain Dick Clasby, Coach Lloyd Jordan, and Director of Sports Publicity W. Henry Johnson will be guests at two more banquets. They will attend the Gridiron Club's annual dinner at the Hotel Kenmore, where Clasby will receive the George Bulger Lowe Trophy as the outstanding football player in New England.

Simultaneously, the rest of the squad will be guests at a dinner given by Frank Boland, manager of the Commander Hotel. The banquet is not an annual affair, but it is not unprecedented, Boland stated, "Once before I invited them, in Valpey's regime, when they were all down in the dumps."

The host added, "I've always had a soft spot for the boys: the Yale victory is a good excuse." Beginning at 7 p.m. with the team captain and coach arriving whenever they can, Boland said that he plans no formal program, just "good food."

The varsity completed its most successful season in almost ten years, tying for the Big Three title and emerging with a 6-2 record and two touchdowns way from an unbeaten season.
