
Clasby Will Play; Bodiker Elevated To Poston Varsity

Captain Dick Clasby will "be all right" for Saturday's Princeton game, varsity coach Lloyd Jordan announced following yesterday's closed practice in which Dave Bodiker, last year's freshman captain, worked out with the varsity for the first time this year.

Bodiker had played tackle with the jayvees until yesterday, when he alternated with Bob Morrison at end.

Jordan also said that Bill Frate, junior guard who suffered a cracked fibula in Tuesday's practice, will be out for the season. His loss is a blow to plans for a two-platoon line, the coach continued. "I would have had confidence in this second line," Jordan said, "but Frate was the key player."

This new complication, added to "headaches in the backfield," has led Jordan to close Thursday's practice. Previously, reporters were admitted to the workout.

Yesterday Clasby exercised, but only in sweat clothes. This was presumably in an attempt to avoid any chance of aggravating a shoulder injury suffered against Davidson. Definitely in shape for the Princeton game are wingback Bob Cowies who was hurt against Columbia, fullbacks Ron Messer and Bill Volmer, and quarterback Jerry Marsh.


Bob Morrison, out with a virus infection, played end position with Bodiker. This shift was probably necessary because substitute end Bill Hickey joined Bob Cochran and Harvey Popell on the injured-end list, when he suffered a broken hand in Tuesday's scrimmage.

Because of the Saturday injury to regular quarterback Bob Hardy, Marsh and Joe Conzelman again alternated at the single wing quarterback post. Carroll Lowenstein and Brian Reynolds traded off at tailback, while Clasby took things relatively easy.

"Reynolds has been working all around the backfield--tailback, fullback, and wingback," Jordan noted. "You can bet he's valuable."
