
Pusey Announces New Botany Men

The appointment of two full professors to the administration of the University's extensive botanical resources was announced yesterday by President Pusey.

The appointees are Richard A. Howard, who will become Arnold Professor of Botany and professor of Dendrology, and Rood C. Rawlins, named as Asa Gray Professor of Systematic Botany.

Howard is now professor of Botany t the University of Connecticut. Rawlins directs the University's new Gray Herbarium. The appointments of both men become effective Feb. 1, 1954.

Chooses Plant Specimens

As Arnold Professor, Howard, who is an authority on native and tropical plants, will direct the horticultural and research activities of the Arnold Arboretum.


Howard will also have an important voice in the selection of arboretum books and plant specimens to be housed in the new Botany Building in Cambridge.

This new building will bring together under one roof the principal botanical libraries and collection in the University.
