
Flattop Arsenal


A revolution sizzles in a Kirkland House suite, a revolution that will soon strike every room in the College. Even now, the weapons are being stock-piled in the B-Entry quarters. Yet the instigator has the nerve to call the revolution "simple and restrained" and the suite "very typical."

The revolutionaries are relentless, "experimenting with variations of designs they're thinking about" 24 hours a day. Their arsenal id technologically advanced, functional and efficient." It is subject to change at any moment. The instigators "kick it around a little," but "don't even own some of it." Many of the weapons are wood, others light metal, and the rest a combination of both. Some of it is even on wheels.

And while the supplies are readied, the rest of the College waits unknowing, unknowing that the Furniture Revolution is upon them. Some day- nobody knows when, some new furniture-nobody is sure what-will replace the present equipment in University rooms. In the meantime, four Kirkland House students are testing the various alternatives. Metal desks and wooden ones undergo the daily wear of cigarette butts and feet. Bookshelves feel the load of heavy Government texts. Tables withstand the stain and strain of punch bowls.

The four guinea pigs studying the wisdom of the past with equipment of the future are restrained in their praise of the furniture, however; in fact, all they would say for it is. "It serves." In general, they find the furniture very similar to the present College oakware. Yet if it is not different, it is new, and the students are ready for the revolution.
