
Blood Drive Hits High Totals With First Solicitation

First day pledges in the University blood and charity drives nearly equalled last year's totals and prompted unexpected optimism among the chairmen of the two drives last night.

Combined Charities collected $2,585--only $200 less than last year, while the PBH Blood Drive solicited 618 pints--a drop of 25 from the 1952 campaign.

Due to the new system of pledges, Charities officials looked for a slow undergraduate response at the drive's start and were encouraged after Monday's showing, "We may top our goal," Ed Strasser, Charity treasurer, said last night.

"Yesterday's blood pledges were very high considering that all the College totals aren't in yet," Milton Engel, Blood chairman, commented.

Bolstered by a $100 check, Lowell House leads the Charity totals with $538, while Leverett and Adams ran neck and neck, with $293 and $275, respectively. The Yardlings contributed $785. One entry in Eliot House gave $99.99.


Incomplete returns put Kirkland far ahead in blood pledges. The Deacon's 86 pins topped second place Adams by 17 and third place Dunster by 22. Neither the Yard or Claverly had reported.

Though complete figures were unavailable, both chairmen felt last night's contributions would considerably raise their expected totals. "The drive usually reaches its peak during the second and third days," Strasser said.
