
Commission Will Build Underpass to Relieve Soldiers Field Traffic

Bids will be advertised this week for construction of an underpass at the Larz Anderson Bridge on Soldiers Field Road, designed to relieve a traffic bottleneck.

Metropolitan District Commissioner Charles W. Greenough, who made the announcement, said that the underpass will be the first step in a project designed to ease traffic congestion all along Soldiers Field Road.

Greenough, who was uncertain when construction would begin, estimated the cost of the underpass at $500,000.

Daily Traffic Tieups

The underpass would be dug at the end of the Anderson Bridge, which extends from Boylston St. and Harvard Square. Traffic tieups there on football Saturdays are particularly bad, although delays are caused every night around 5 p.m.


The M.D.C. eventually anticipates two more underpasses, at the River St. and Western Ave. Bridges. Plans for the construction of these two are currently being prepared by City engineers.
