The University received $2,293, 113.32 in gifts during the three month period which ended September 30, the third quarter report on endowments announced today. Contributions were divided between the capital fund, which was given $259,938, and funds for immediate use, which totalled $2,033,175.32.
The Medical School received the largest amount, $426,876.53, but the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and two graduate departments also accepted gifts of over $300,000 each.
Largest total endowment came from the Eugene Higgens Scientific Trust which left $250,000 to be divided among the School of Dental Medicine, the Medical School, and the Departments of Biology and Physics. The trust contributes each year the income from a $40 million endowment to further scientific investigation.
Kresge Donation
The Kresge Foundation, however, contributed the largest amount of money to be applied for any one purpose. The foundation, set up by Sebastian S. Kresge, the chain store owner, gave $200,000 to the Business School for the construction of Kresge Hall, its new dining hall.
Other large endowments included $213,742.60 from the Rockefeller Foundation, for studies in arts and sciences, education, law, and medicine, $130,400 contributed by the Fund for the Advancement of Education for a cooperative project of teacher education.
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