With donations and pledges at a low ebb, the Radcliffe Community Service Fund Drive chairman yesterday announced a new effort to secure a "decent, final amount."
Helene Burke '54 and Eleanor Dearing '55, co-chairmen of the drive, told last night of arrangements with various Annex clubs to work with them to encourage more liberal donations from the "Cliffedwellers. Political clubs are selling doughnuts and apples in the dorms, and language organizations have agreed to show a foreign film with proceeds going to the Charities Drive.
Miss Burke declined to comment on the exact amount of money collected since the drive opened on Nov. 9, but said that the amount was "very, very low." The drive closes Friday.
Students may pick any of five groups to which to donate: the American Friends Service Committee, Kobe College of Japan, the National School and Service Fund for Negro Students, United Red Feather, and the Would University Service.
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