
Baron Praises contribution Of Jews to Man's Progress

Salo W. Baron, Professor of Jewish History at Columbia University, gave the first Israel Goldman Memorial Lecture last night in Paine Hall. He spoke on "The Jewish Factor in our Civilization."

Introduced by Abram L. Sachar, President of Brandeis University, as "one of the world's foremost Jewish historians,' Baron emphasized, in his talk the involuntary contributions the Jewish race has made in Western society.

He said, 'The Jews have transcended political boundaries and pioneered scientific, economic, and agricultural development, not from choice, but rather to make a living and escape from oppression." He went on to show that this enforced internationalism has resulted in a potent anti-Semitic weapon.

Have Advanced Backward Nations

Despite oppression, the Jews have brought advancement to backward countries throughout history.


Baron also emphasized the intellectual contributions of his race. He said, "Jewish pioneers of the brain such as Philo, Spinoza, and Einstein, were just as important as the pioneers of brawn who brought material advancement with them wherever they wandered."
