The University is now considering whether to establish a fixed percentage of the commuters admitted to each College class. Dean Wilbur J. Bender, Dean of Admissions, has announced that the existing "laissez-faire" policy of admitting every qualified commuter will be changed.
"We now have an option," Bender said. "We could eliminate all commuters. Of course, we wouldn't want to do it. Rather, from our dorm space limitations, we would like to double the number of commuters."
Bender explained that there has never been a quota or specific policy on accepting commuters. He explained that men in the Boston area admitted to the freshman class often decide to live in dorms. As a result, Bender said, this year's commuting class is the smallest in modern Harvard history.
Definite Policy Sought
Charles P. Whitlock, Apley Court Senior Tutor, also called for definite policy decisions on the commuter situation. To solve the question of crowding dorms, Whitlock added, the Admissions Board should set a limit for residence men and fill up any remaining places in the class with commuters.
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