
After 28 Years, Athletic Association Moves to Shannon Hall

The Harvard Athletic Association has been busy, very busy, these past few weeks, moving into its now headquarters at Shannon Hall. The building, a three-story Georgian brick structure, might easily be mistaken for a clubhouse from the exterior, but inside it bustles with the activity of unpacking everything from trophies to paper clips.

Yet despite the confusion, the work of the over-busy HAA proceeds pretty much as usual. Athletic Director Thomas D. Bolles is already comfortably settled in his modern corner office on the second floor (lower left), and across the hall is Business Manager Carroll F. Getchell.

When the move is completed, the Ticket Office will be housed in a large first-floor room, where HAA Publicity Director W. Henry Johnston and his secretary, Jean MacIver, have been unpacking crates of notebooks and papers (upper right). Until the end of the current football season, though, tickets will continue to be sold from the familiar counters in the basement of the Union (above, left).

At the foot of the stairs leading to the third floor--the only part of the building still unoccupied--a secretary handles official correspondence (below), seemingly unaffected by the change in surroundings.
