
Shaplin Bucks Town-Gown Feud In School Committee Campaign

Traditionally tenuous town-gown ties will be put to the test this week as Judson T. Shaplin '42, director of Freshman Scholarships, intensifies his fight for a seat on the Cambridge School Committee.

Shaplin, one of the eight candidates on the Cambridge Civic Association slate, will carry his campaign into East Cambridge's tough Ward 1 tomorrow night when he speaks at a rally in Hory Gory Hall.

Former Assistant Dean of the Graduate School of Education, Shaplin is out to prove there is a place for professional educators on the traditionally lay school board. "I'm running as an educator," he says, "not a politician. As an educator I want to cross every conceivable line, appeal across any and all barriers."

"Politics has no place in a school committee," he says.

With the Nov. 3 election scarcely a week away, Shaplin has been working a 9 to 5 day for Harvard and 5 to 12 night on his campaign.
