
Crimson Harriers Beat Dartmouth

Coach Bill McCurdy's varsity cross country team avenged last year's only defeat by decisively beating Dartmouth 19 to 37, yesterday afternoon at Hanover. The Yardlings also won to complete the sweep, 26 to 32.

Captain Hal Gerry finished first for the varsity in 26:23, only four seconds off the course record. Dartmouth's Hogarty finished second, a full minute behind Gerry. Hubie Maguire, in condition after last week's attack of flu, finished third only eight seconds in back of Hogarty.

Freshmen Take Third Through Sixth

The Crimson's Don French, Emil San Soucie, and Frank Nahigian came in fourth, fifth, and sixth in that order to clinch the meet.

Dartmouth's Brew and Howe came in first and second against the freshmen, but the Yardlings won by taking third through sixth. Dave McLean finished third, Jim Cairns fourth, Dick Wharton fifth, and Captain Bill Morris, suffering from a cold, sixth.


McCurdy termed yesterday's win a "rebound" from last week's loss to the University of Massachusetts. Next week the Crimson harriers face Yale and Princeton in a triangular meet at New Haven.
