Loyal Princetonians, dazed and somewhat shaky over the defeat their football team suffered against Navy last Saturday, are being urged to keep up hope.
An editorial in Monday's Princetonian, following the viscious 65-7 drubbing administered by Navy--the worst defeat in Nassau history--asks that "a new kind of pep rally be held next Friday--a 'back to the team' rally. Let it be held at the scene of the celebrations for Princeton's greatest triumphs, her Big Three victories . . . Let's burn the Bear of Cornell at a big bonfier Friday night in front of Clio Hall, to show that we shall stick by Charlie Caldwell and the team as faithfully as we did during the undefeated years. It was no mean coach that was voted 'Coach of the Year' in 1951. Let us not be fair-weather fans."
The Princetonian plea continues, "For years Princeton partisans have been spoiled. They have expected to see a perfect team, a virtual touchdown-machine, demolish its opponents at will. No team can keep up such a record forever without the sort of professionalism that none of us would want to see. After all, there are other schools in the League, too, and occasionally some of them will have teams that can beat us or even rent us.
"This is a fact that even we of the 'Prince' had to learn the hard way. At the beginning of the season we called for tougher opposition than Lafayette and Rutgers. As it turned out, we thought the Lafayette and Rutgers games were quite exciting, thank you."
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