
You Oughta Be in Pictures

Cabbages & Kings

Last Tuesday evening, a taxi pulled up to the curb in front of the CRIMSON Building with Myrua Hansen Miss United States and runner-up to Miss Universc. Miss Brannon, Universal-International Studios press agent and travelling companion to Myrna, stepped out and told the driver to wait. He waited for two hours.

Myrna smiled as CRIMSON editors introduced themselves, and as she told how she won her title. "I had to parade in front of a million people, and wear a bathing suit, and a formal and walk along a promenade a mile long, and I had to give an extemporaneous speech. About states. You know, states I've been in Like that. And they took a million pictures."

To vote on the 27 Miss Radcliffe semi-finalists she worked out a code. After each contestant's name, she place either a minus sign, a plus sign, or a check mark. "I just made them up this minute," she explained with a smile, "so you won't read over my shoulder." Myrna turned to a contestant.

First Crimed: This is Miss Patricia Brown.

Patricia: Hello!


Miss United States: Hello, Patricia.

Second Crimed: How do you spell that?

Patricia: B-R-O-W-N.

Miss United States: What do you like to do, socially?

Patricia: Huh? Oh, I guess--How do you mean?

First Crimed: Hello heh.

Miss United States: Ha ha.

Patricia: Heh. Oh, just dancing, and like that. I like to talk. More talking I've had to do this week! That dance--oh, it's been awful--

Miss Unites States: What are your main interests?

Patricia: Heh heh. Well--

First Crimed: Uh, do you have nay hobbies?

Patricia: What?

Second Crimed: Where's your home town?

Patricia: Well. roller skating and things, tennis--oh, Chicago.

Miss United States: Well, hello! What part?

Patricia: South Shore.

Miss Unites States: Oh, I lived on the North side, but I used to spend my weekends down on the South side . . .

Second Crimed: What are you majoring in?

Patricia: Oh, history, but I'll try to get a background in English literature so I can combine it in my thesis.

Miss United States: Yes.
