
Students Organize Committee to 'Protect' Academic Freedom Against Velde Red Probe

An all-student committee to collect and publicize information on academic freedom will hold its first meeting Sunday night in P.B.H. Impetus for the organization came from a resolution passed yesterday by the Graduate Student Council, which affirmed the need for such a group and became its first sponsor.

The immediate task of the committee, chairman Theodore O. Cron 1G said yesterday, "is to set up machinery to counter any unfair attacks that might be made by the Velde investigating committee. We are not pre-judging Velde, but we want to have everything ready in case his group does violate the principles of academic freedom."

Cron has invited representatives of all recognized College organizations to attend the meeting Sunday night. The committee hopes to have all such groups represented, Cron said, "because we want to present a united front of the academic community composed of people of all political beliefs."

At Sunday's meeting a sub committee will be set up to define academic freedom while other committees will be established to collect material and send it out to newspapers and radio stations.

"We hope to get people who will work with us on the constitutional aspects of academic freedom as well as the practical political ones," Cron said.
