
Herter Wants M.D.C. to Buy Boston Arena

Governor Christian A. Herter '15 proposed that the Massachusetts State Legislature authorize the Metropolitan District Commission to acquire the Boston Arena, in a surprise move last night.

Herter, in a special message to the Legislature, suggested the Arena be taken over as soon as possible by the MDC for operation as a recreational facility. The Arena is presently under option for sale to private business interests for conversion into a business building.

Possible Action Today

The Legislature took no immediate action on the governor's request, although there were indications the proposed purchase will come up for discussion today.

Two days ago, John W. Watson '22 offered to give $100,000 for the purchase of the Arena if the City provided the rest of the purchase price. Herter gave no indication whether he favored accepting Watson's offer.


A bill is now pending in the Massachusetts House which would authorize the MDC to purchase and operate the Arena, serving all parties on a non-commercial basis. Several House members, however, have questioned whether the Arena could be run without sizable loss of money to the City each year.

Walter Brown, head of the Garden-Arena Corporation, has been operating the St. Botolph St. rink at a reported loss of over $35,000 per year.

Herter's proposal came after considerable pressure from Massachusetts high school and college authorities attempting to save one of the three indoor skating rinks in this area.
