
E.A.R.C. Picks Potomac Site For Spring Rowing Contest

The east's major intercollegiate regatta will take place this year, for the first time, on the Potomac River at Washington, D.C., Thomas D. Bolles, Director of Athletics, announced yesterday.

Bolles, president of the Eastern Association of Rowing Colleges, said that providing details could be arranged with a Washington committee, the E.A.R.C. regatta would be held there May 16. Twelve colleges, including Harvard, will send crews, as usual.

The annual meet was originally scheduled for the Seven River at Annapolis. After Bolles and a committee surveyed the Potomac site at last month's NCAA meetings, they decided that it would serve perfectly well, also. The clinching argument, Bolles indicated, was that some 50,000 alumni of the rowing colleges are at present living in or near Washington, and are a potential paying audience.

The Potomac is one-half mile wide at the race-course site, and consequently some problem will exist if winds are high. In such a case, however, an alternate course, around a bend, would be used.
