
Israeli Envoy Hits Red Anti-Semites

Recent outbreaks of anti-Semitism in Russia and satellites may develop into a Nazi-like purge of Soviet Jews, David Goitein, Israeli Minister to Washington, said here Thursday.

Goitein attended a reception given by the Law School-Israeli Government project to codify Israel law.

"We in Israel and I suspect those being the Iron Curtain do not believes that the Jews arrested do far were seized because they were Zionists or pro-Israel," Goitein said. "They were communists who did not really consider Israel important, and the arrests were really part of a Party shake-up."

Goitein mentioned a present plan of the Israeli coalition government to eliminate Communists from Israel government. The plan would eliminate any party from the government that received less than ten percent of the votes in the last election. The Communists, Progressives, and several other groups would fall into this category. So far, the Progressives have stymied the plan.

He also praised the efforts of the Law School's project to revise the antiquated Israel legal system.
