From a list of more than 500 suggestions, the committee to nominate Overseers, Alumni Association Directors, and Fund Council members this week picked 24 candidates for 11 top University posts. The annual alumni elections will be held this spring.
This year's eight man nominating committee was headed by Frederick Lewis Allen '12, editor of Harper's.
Nominees for Overseers, members of the 30-man, highest governing board of the University, are: Dexter Perkins '09, chairman of the History Department of the University of Rochester; Frederick W. Hubbell '13, President of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa; Devereux C. Josephs '15, President of the New York Life Insurance Co.; Walter H. Wheeler, Jr. '18, President and Director of Pitney-Bowes, Inc.
Clark Named
Thomas D. Cabot '19, Executive vice-President of Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc.; Frederick B. Whitman '19, President of the Western Pacific Railway Co.; Roy E. Larsen '21, President and Director of Time, Inc.; Joseph S. Clark, Jr. '23, Mayor of Philadelphia; Neil McElroy '25, President of Procter & Gamble Co.; and John W. Hallowell '31, Headmaster of Western Reserve Academy, Ohio.
Among the eight candidates for Alumni Association director are J. Brooks Atkinson '17, New York Times drama critic, and Lammot duPont Copeland '27, Director and Secretary of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.