
Margarita Undecided On Starting 'A' Squads For '56 Football Tilt

Freshman football coach Bob Margarita sent his team through its second scrimmage of the season yesterday afternoon at Soldiers Field, as the Yardlings prepared for Saturday's opener with Andover.

Margarita is still trying to pare down his huge 135-man squad to a starting line-up and 33 other players. He himself admits that he "won't have any ideas about a team until Wednesday."

He did, however, watch two teams scrimmage yesterday, and seemed satisfied with the results, even though he was reluctant to single out individuals "this early."

Margarita will take the first four elevens--comprising the "A" squad--to Andover on Saturday, while the rest of the squad will go to south Byfield to play Governor Dummer Academy.
