Coach Bill McCurdy got his first look at the material he'll be working with this season, as varsity and freshman squad members ran in the University Handicaps.
Since there was no team scoring, placing and times served only to give McCurdy a good indication of how his squad will stack up when formal competition starts on October 10. No men who are not on the official squad competed.
Big Four Score
On the varsity, the "Big Four" juniors came in first as expected. Hubie Maguire led the field in a good 19:16 over the 3,7 mile course. Following him were Captain Emil San Soucie with 19:32, Hal Gerry, in 20:01, and Bruce Phillips in 20:21. Bob Swett, a senior and a newcomer to the varsity, finished fifth, 11 seconds be-hand Phillips.
McCurdy said that there was too much of a gap between the first and fifth men. He hoped that his first five--which constitute his scoring team--would all come in under 20 minutes. He added, however, that the times were pretty good for this early in the season.
Finishing out the first 12, the required number of starters, were Bill Chrisman, Marshal Childs, Frank Nahigian, Al Blaylock, John Bidwell, Bill Engs, and Larry Mann. Oliver Wadsworth, a sophomore who didn't run yesterday, might also make the starting squad, according to McCurdy.
Freshmen Not Sharp
The picture with the freshman squad was not as bright. Al Wills Jim Gerry and Jim Whatmough gave the only performances that looked very promising, finishing respectively in 20:15.6, 20:41.3, and 21:06.8. Gerry, Hal's younger brother, gave the surprise performance in his race, finishing much better than in previous showings.
Dave Alpers and Don French, who were expected to finish in the first five, both suffered injuries. Alpers was up with the leaders at the halfway mark, but dropped out when his ankle went out under him. French was sidelined with severe cramps in his legs.
But McCurdy wasn't worried about his first five freshmen. "We'll have a good nucleus in those men, but the lack of depth in general has me worried."
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