
New Stevenson Center to Open

Formal opening of the Stevenson for President Committee Headquarters will be held this week, it was announced yesterday. Located near Brattle Square at 120 Mt. Auburn Street, the headquarters will provide a center for all Stevenson activities at the University and in Cambridge.

The Cambridge Committee was organized by Robert Conley '43 and Russell Peck '43, assistant dean at the Law School. Mayor Joseph E. DeGuglielmo '29 and former Mayor Edward A. Crane '35 will conduct the opening, and Borden Stevenson '55, the son of the Presidential candidate, has been invited to attend.

Plans have been made for a tentative opening on either Tuesday or Friday. Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, will deliver a brief address.

Stevenson will speak tonight at 10:30 p.m. via TV and radio. Entitled at "fire side chat" the speech can be heard over the National Broadcasting System.
