Anna Freud, daughter of the Vienna psychiatrist and a distinguished psychologist in her own right, begins a series of undergraduate lectures this Monday in Emerson Hall.
Invited to stay at the University for a month, Dr. Freud will lecture on child behavior to a limited group of undergraduates, including all the members of Social Relations 159. Robert R. Sears, professor of education and child psychology, who teaches the course, will integrate Dr. Freud's lectures with the other course material.
Dr. Freud grew up in Vienna, where she worked with her father, Sigmund Freud. During the late 20's, she began her work with children, a project which revolutionized psychoanalysis. Until recently, psychiatrists generally used Sigmund Freud's dream analysis to discover the causes of psychological disorder. Dr. Freud found that by observing the development of children she was able to trace the roots of adult troubles.
Besides her lectures, Dr. Freud will give a series of seminars for the faculty and act as a consultant for the Graduate School of Education's "Laboratory of Human Development."
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