
Nixon May Speak Here in October; Ike Disowns UMT

Senator Richard M. Nixon, Republican Vice Presidential candidate, will make a whistle stop tour of Massachusetts on Monday, October 6, the Republican State Committee announced yesterday. There is as yet no indication that the Senator will stop in Cambridge.

Nixon's running mate, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, meanwhile gave directions in a speech prepared for a Baltimore audience that he has withdrawn his support of universal military training while the draft continues to operate.

Eisenhower charged a "famine or feast" policy to the Administration, which he said has encouraged a frenzied arms expansion with "disorder and duplication and waste." He said that while the draft continues "we cannot at the same time establish any form of training for our young men."

Daniel Tyler Jr., Chairman of the Republican State Committee, said yesterday that "There is no question in my mind that Senator Nixon will receive an overwhelming ovation from the citizens of Massachusetts who admired his courageous stand before the nation last night."

Bouncing back into the campaign war, Dixon referred to Stevenson last night, in a Denver speech, as "the chlorophyl candidate," qualifying his remark by adding that "all the alfalfa grown in the State of Utah can't produce enough chlorophyl to make that mess in Washington smell sweet."


Nixon's speech vindicating his position in regard to campaign money was universally praised in Massachusetts with an avalanche of telegrams being received at the Republican state headquarters from all corners of New England.
