
Contributions to '53 Council Called Record Breaking

If financial support has anything to do with it, this should be a banner year for the Student Council; undergraduates contributed a record-breaking $5,850 to the Council at Registration, Secretary Thomas W. Hoya '53 announced last night.

Last fall the student body gave $5,045. These figures are comparable since college enrollment is about the same for both 1951-2 and 1952-3.

The money will be distributed in roughly the same way as last year--with the largest amount going to finance scholarships on the basis of need ($1,580 in 1951-2). Aiding displaced persons comes next, with $850 being used for this purpose last year, but some of this amount comes from other sources, like the Combined Charities Drive.

The remainder of the contributions will support various Council committees (Education, International Activities, Class Affairs, and Extra Curricular activities), publish the Activities Bulletin, aid the Crimson Key and N.S.A., and defray various office expenses. In 1951-2 nearly a thousand dollars were used for office expenses.
