
ETS Schedules Law, Graduate Entrance Tests

Applicants to American law and graduate schools will have four opportunities to take their admissions examinations, the Educational Testing Service announced yesterday.

The bureau advises seniors to ask their prospective schools when and if they should take the tests; it also requires that applications be filed at least ten days prior to the law exam and two weeks before the graduate school test.

Application blanks, bulletins, and sample questions are available at the E.T.S. office at P.O. Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey. Those interested in law will be tested for their verbal aptitude and reasoning power, with cramming useless. The graduate school exam includes a test of general scholastic ability and achievement in several broad subject-matter fields, with a few options available.

The Law School Admission Test will be given November 15, 1952, and February 21, April 25, and August 8, 1953. Dates for the Graduate Record Examinations are November 7 and 8, 1952, plus January 30 and 31, April 17 and 18, and July 10 and 11, 1953.

During the 1951-52 academic year over 6,800 applicants took the law test, while nearly 8,000 were taking the graduate school examination. They were administered at over 100 centers.


Since some law schools accept freshmen in the spring, many of these candidates will find the November test preferable.
